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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 7.5.0.


File Line
gov/nist/secauto/metaschema/cli/commands/ 106
gov/nist/secauto/metaschema/cli/commands/ 147
  protected ExitStatus executeCommand(
      @NonNull CallingContext callingContext,
      @NonNull CommandLine cmdLine) {

    List<String> extraArgs = cmdLine.getArgList();

    Path destination = null;
    if (extraArgs.size() > 1) {
      destination = Paths.get(extraArgs.get(1)).toAbsolutePath();

    if (destination != null) {
      if (Files.exists(destination)) {
        if (!cmdLine.hasOption(MetaschemaCommands.OVERWRITE_OPTION)) {
          return ExitCode.INVALID_ARGUMENTS.exitMessage( // NOPMD readability
              String.format("The provided destination '%s' already exists and the '%s' option was not provided.",
        if (!Files.isWritable(destination)) {
          return ExitCode.IO_ERROR.exitMessage( // NOPMD readability
              "The provided destination '" + destination + "' is not writable.");
      } else {
        Path parent = destination.getParent();
        if (parent != null) {
          try {
          } catch (IOException ex) {
            return ExitCode.INVALID_TARGET.exit().withThrowable(ex); // NOPMD readability