 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: none
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

package gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.cst;

import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.DynamicContext;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.ISequence;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.item.IItem;

import java.util.List;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;

public interface IExpression {
   * Retrieve the child expressions associated with this expression.
   * @return a list of expressions, which may be empty
  List<? extends IExpression> getChildren();

   * The minimum expected result type to be produced when evaluating the
   * expression. The result may be a sub-class or sub-interface of this value.
   * @return the base result type
  default Class<? extends IItem> getBaseResultType() {
    return IItem.class;

   * The expected result type produced by evaluating the expression. The result
   * must be the same or a sub-class or sub-interface of the value provided by
   * {@link #getBaseResultType()}.
   * <p>
   * This method can be overloaded to provide static analysis of the expression to
   * determine a more specific result type.
   * @return the result type
  default Class<? extends IItem> getStaticResultType() {
    return getBaseResultType();

   * Produce a string representation of this expression including the expression's
   * name.
   * <p>
   * This method can be overloaded to provide a more appropriate representation of
   * the expression.
   * @return a string representing the data elements of the expression
  default String toASTString() {
    return String.format("%s[]", getClass().getName());

   * Provides a double dispatch callback for visitor handling.
   * @param dynamicContext
   *          the dynamic evaluation context
   * @param focus
   *          the outer focus of the expression
   * @return the result of evaluation
  ISequence<? extends IItem> accept(@NonNull DynamicContext dynamicContext, @NonNull ISequence<?> focus);

   * Provides a double dispatch callback for visitor handling.
   * @param <RESULT>
   *          the type of the evaluation result
   * @param <CONTEXT>
   *          the type of the visitor context
   * @param visitor
   *          the visitor calling this method
   * @param context
   *          the visitor context
   * @return the result of evaluation
  <RESULT, CONTEXT> RESULT accept(@NonNull IExpressionVisitor<RESULT, CONTEXT> visitor, @NonNull CONTEXT context);