package gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.item.node;

import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.StaticContext;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.format.IPathFormatter;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.format.IPathSegment;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.item.IItem;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath.item.IItemVisitor;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.model.IResourceLocation;
import gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.util.ObjectUtils;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;

 * Represents a queryable Metapath model node.
public interface INodeItem extends IItem, IPathSegment, INodeItemVisitable {

   * Generate a path for this node in the directed node graph, using the provided
   * path formatter.
  String format(IPathFormatter formatter);

   * Gets the value of the provided node item.
   * <p>
   * If the provided node item is a document, this method get the first child node
   * item's value, since a document doesn't have a value.
   * @param <CLASS>
   *          the type of the bound object to return
   * @param item
   *          the node item to get the value of
   * @return a bound object
   * @throws NullPointerException
   *           if the node item has no associated value
  static <CLASS> CLASS toValue(@NonNull INodeItem item) {
    INodeItem valuedItem;
    if (item instanceof IDocumentNodeItem) {
      // get first child item, since the document has no value
      valuedItem = item.modelItems().findFirst().get();
    } else {
      valuedItem = item;
    return ObjectUtils.requireNonNull((CLASS) valuedItem.getValue());

   * Retrieve the parent node item if it exists.
   * @return the parent node item, or {@code null} if this node item has no known
   *         parent
  INodeItem getParentNodeItem();

   * Retrieve the parent content node item if it exists. A content node is a
   * non-document node.
   * @return the parent content node item, or {@code null} if this node item has
   *         no known parent content node item
  IModelNodeItem<?, ?> getParentContentNodeItem();

   * Get the type of node item this is.
   * @return the node item's type
  NodeItemType getNodeItemType();

   * Retrieve the base URI of this node.
   * <p>
   * The base URI of a node will be in order of preference:
   * <ol>
   * <li>the base URI defined on the node</li>
   * <li>the base URI defined on the nearest ancestor node</li>
   * <li>the base URI defined on the document node</li>
   * <li>{@code null} if the document node is unknown</li>
   * </ol>
   * @return the base URI or {@code null} if it is unknown
  URI getBaseUri();

   * Get the path for this node item as a Metapath.
   * @return the Metapath
  default String getMetapath() {
    return toPath(IPathFormatter.METAPATH_PATH_FORMATER);

  default Stream<? extends INodeItem> getPathStream() {
    INodeItem parent = getParentNodeItem();
    return ObjectUtils.notNull(
        parent == null ? Stream.of(this) : Stream.concat(getParentNodeItem().getPathStream(), Stream.of(this)));

   * Get a stream of all ancestors of this node item. The stream is ordered from
   * closest to farthest ancestor.
   * @return a stream of ancestor node items
  default Stream<? extends INodeItem> ancestor() {
    return ancestorsOf(this);

   * Get a stream of this and all ancestors of this node item. The stream is
   * ordered from self, then closest to farthest ancestor.
   * @return a stream of this node followed by all ancestor node items
  default Stream<? extends INodeItem> ancestorOrSelf() {
    return ObjectUtils.notNull(Stream.concat(Stream.of(this), ancestor()));

   * Get a stream of the ancestors of the provided {@code item}. The stream is
   * ordered from the closest to farthest ancestor.
   * @param item
   *          the target item to get ancestors for
   * @return a stream of all ancestor node items
  static Stream<? extends INodeItem> ancestorsOf(@NonNull INodeItem item) {
    INodeItem parent = item.getParentNodeItem();
    return ObjectUtils.notNull(parent == null ? Stream.empty() : Stream.concat(Stream.of(parent), ancestorsOf(parent)));

   * Get a stream of all descendant model items of this node item. The stream is
   * ordered from closest to farthest descendants in a depth-first order.
   * @return a stream of descendant node items
  default Stream<? extends INodeItem> descendant() {
    return decendantsOf(this);

   * Get a stream of all descendant model items of the provided {@code item}. The
   * stream is ordered from closest to farthest descendants in a depth-first
   * order.
   * @param item
   *          the target item to get descendants for
   * @return a stream of descendant node items
  static Stream<? extends INodeItem> decendantsOf(@NonNull INodeItem item) {
    Stream<? extends INodeItem> children = item.modelItems();

    return ObjectUtils.notNull(children.flatMap(child -> {
      assert child != null;
      return Stream.concat(Stream.of(child), decendantsOf(child));

   * Get a stream of this node, followed by all descendant model items of this
   * node item. The stream is ordered from closest to farthest descendants in a
   * depth-first order.
   * @return a stream of this node and descendant node items
  default Stream<? extends INodeItem> descendantOrSelf() {
    return ObjectUtils.notNull(Stream.concat(Stream.of(this), descendant()));

   * Get the flags and value data associated this node. The resulting collection
   * is expected to be ordered, with the results in document order.
   * <p>
   * The resulting collection may be modified, but such modification is not thread
   * safe
   * @return a collection of flags
  Collection<? extends IFlagNodeItem> getFlags();

   * Lookup a flag and value data on this node by it's effective qualified name.
   * @param name
   *          the effective name of the flag
   * @return the flag with the matching effective name or {@code null} if no match
   *         was found
  IFlagNodeItem getFlagByName(@NonNull QName name);

   * Get the flags and value data associated with this node as a stream.
   * @return the stream of flags or an empty stream if none exist
  default Stream<? extends IFlagNodeItem> flags() {
    return getFlags().stream();

   * Get the model items (i.e., fields, assemblies) and value data associated this
   * node. A given model instance can be multi-valued, so the value of each
   * instance will be a list. The resulting collection is expected to be ordered,
   * with the results in document order.
   * <p>
   * The resulting collection may be modified, but such modification is not thread
   * safe
   * @return a collection of list(s), with each list containing the items for a
   *         given model instance
  Collection<? extends List<? extends IModelNodeItem<?, ?>>> getModelItems();

   * Get the collection of model items associated with the instance having the
   * provided {@code name}.
   * <p>
   * The resulting collection may be modified, but such modification is not thread
   * safe
   * @param name
   *          the instance name to get model items for
   * @return the sequence of items associated with the named model instance, or an
   *         empty list if an instance with that name is not present
  List<? extends IModelNodeItem<?, ?>> getModelItemsByName(@NonNull QName name);

   * Get the model items (i.e., fields, assemblies) and value data associated this
   * node as a stream.
   * @return the stream of model items or an empty stream if none exist
  default Stream<? extends IModelNodeItem<?, ?>> modelItems() {
    return getModelItems().stream().flatMap(Collection::stream);

   * Get the resource location information for the node, if known.
   * @return the resource location information, or {@code null} if not known
  IResourceLocation getLocation();

   * Get the static context to use to query this node item.
   * @return the static context
  StaticContext getStaticContext();

  default void accept(IItemVisitor visitor) {