 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: none
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0

package gov.nist.secauto.metaschema.core.metapath;

 * MPST: Exceptions related to the Metapath static context and static
 * evaluation.
public class StaticMetapathException
    extends AbstractCodedMetapathException {
   * <a href= "">err:MPST0003</a>: It
   * is a <a href="">static
   * error</a> if an expression is not a valid instance of the Metapath grammar.
  // TODO: need a Metapath grammar link
  public static final int INVALID_PATH_GRAMMAR = 3;

   * <a href= "">err:MPST0017</a>: It
   * is a <a href="">static
   * error</a> if the
   * <a href="">expanded
   * QName</a> and number of arguments in a static function call do not match the
   * name and arity of a
   * <a href="">function
   * signature</a> in the
   * <a href="">static
   * context</a>.
  public static final int NO_FUNCTION_MATCH = 17;

   * <a href= "">err:MPST0070</a>: A
   * <a href="">static error</a> is
   * raised if any of the following conditions is statically detected in any
   * expression.
   * <ul>
   * <li>The prefix xml is bound to some namespace URI other than
   * <li>A prefix other than xml is bound to the namespace URI
   * <li>The prefix xmlns is bound to any namespace URI.</li>
   * <li>A prefix other than xmlns is bound to the namespace URI
   * </ul>
  public static final int NAMESPACE_MISUSE = 70;

   * <a href= "">err:MPST0070</a>: It
   * is a <a href="">static
   * error</a> if a QName used in an expression contains a namespace prefix that
   * cannot be expanded into a namespace URI by using the
   * <a href="">statically
   * known namespaces</a>.
  public static final int PREFIX_NOT_EXPANDABLE = 81;

   * the serial version UID.
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;

   * Constructs a new exception with the provided {@code code}, {@code message},
   * and {@code cause}.
   * @param code
   *          the error code value
   * @param message
   *          the exception message
   * @param cause
   *          the original exception cause
  public StaticMetapathException(int code, String message, Throwable cause) {
    super(code, message, cause);

   * Constructs a new exception with the provided {@code code}, {@code message},
   * and no cause.
   * @param code
   *          the error code value
   * @param message
   *          the exception message
  public StaticMetapathException(int code, String message) {
    super(code, message);

   * Constructs a new exception with the provided {@code code}, no message, and
   * the {@code cause}.
   * @param code
   *          the error code value
   * @param cause
   *          the original exception cause
  public StaticMetapathException(int code, Throwable cause) {
    super(code, cause);

  public String getCodePrefix() {
    return "MPST";
