Package org.schemastore.json.sarif.x210

package org.schemastore.json.sarif.x210
  • Classes
    Artifacts analyzed by the tool to yield results.
    Specifies the location of an artifact.
    A location within a programming artifact.
    A logical location of a construct that produced a result.
    Encapsulates a message intended to be read by the end user.
    A message string or message format string rendered in multiple formats.
    A physical location relevant to a result.
    A physical or virtual address, or a range of addresses, in an ‘addressable region’ (memory or a binary file).
    Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the object.
    A region within an artifact where a result was detected.
    Metadata that describes a specific report produced by the tool, as part of the analysis it provides or its runtime reporting.
    Information about how to locate a relevant reporting descriptor.
    Results from the run of a tool.
    Contains information about how and when a result was detected.
    Describes a single run of an analysis tool, and contains the reported output of that run.
    A standard format for the output of static analysis tools.
    The analysis tool used.