
public final class ModuleCompilerHelper extends Object
This class provides methods to generate and dynamically compile Java code based on a Module. The newClassLoader(Path, ClassLoader) method can be used to get a ClassLoader for Java code previously generated by this class.
  • Method Details

    • compileMetaschema

      @NonNull public static IProduction compileMetaschema(@NonNull IModule module, @NonNull Path classDir) throws IOException
      Generate and compile Java class, representing the provided Module module and its related definitions, using the default binding configuration.
      module - the Module module to generate Java classes for
      classDir - the directory to generate the classes in
      information about the generated classes
      IOException - if an error occurred while generating or compiling the classes
    • compileModule

      @NonNull public static IProduction compileModule(@NonNull IModule module, @NonNull Path classDir, @NonNull IBindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration) throws IOException
      Generate and compile Java class, representing the provided Module module and its related definitions, using the provided custom bindingConfiguration.
      module - the Module module to generate Java classes for
      classDir - the directory to generate the classes in
      bindingConfiguration - configuration settings with directives that tailor the class generation
      information about the generated classes
      IOException - if an error occurred while generating or compiling the classes
    • newClassLoader

      @NonNull public static ClassLoader newClassLoader(@NonNull Path classDir, @NonNull ClassLoader parent)
      Create a new classloader capable of loading Java classes generated in the provided classDir.
      classDir - the directory where generated Java classes have been compiled
      parent - the classloader to delegate to when the created class loader cannot load a class
      the new class loader