Interface IDeserializationHandler

public interface IDeserializationHandler
Provides methods used during deserialization to perform additional actions before and after data is loaded into a bound object.

Methods with these method signatures will be called if defined on a bound object regardless of if this interface is implemented by the object.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    A method called just after the object's data is read and added to the object.
    A method called just before the object data is read and added to the object.
  • Method Details

    • beforeDeserialize

      void beforeDeserialize(Object parent)
      A method called just before the object data is read and added to the object.
      parent - the Java object containing this object
    • afterDeserialize

      void afterDeserialize(Object parent)
      A method called just after the object's data is read and added to the object.
      parent - the Java object containing this object