All Known Subinterfaces:
IJsonProblemHandler, IXmlProblemHandler
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProblemHandler, DefaultJsonProblemHandler, DefaultXmlProblemHandler

public interface IProblemHandler
Implementations support handling common parsing issues.
  • Method Details

    • handleMissingInstances

      void handleMissingInstances(@NonNull IBoundDefinitionModelComplex parentDefinition, @NonNull IBoundObject targetObject, @NonNull Collection<? extends IBoundProperty<?>> unhandledInstances) throws IOException
      A callback used to handle bound properties for which no data was found when the content was parsed.

      This can be used to supply default or prescribed values based on application logic.

      parentDefinition - the bound class on which the missing properties are found
      targetObject - the Java object for the parentDefinition
      unhandledInstances - the set of instances that had no data to parse
      IOException - if an error occurred while handling the missing instances