This annotation defines a rule that requires that the target contents of the assembly, represented by the containing MetaschemaAssembly annotation, reference items in a name index defined by the Index constraint.
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    A reference to a named index.
    A list of one or more keys to use in looking up an entry in a given index.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    An optional description of the constraint.
    An optional formal name for the constraint.
    An optional identifier for the constraint, which must be unique to only this constraint.
    The significance of a violation of this constraint.
    The message to emit when the constraint is violated.
    An optional set of properties associated with these allowed values.
    Any remarks about the constraint, encoded as an escaped Markdown string.
    An optional metapath that points to the target flag or field value that the constraint applies to.
  • Element Details

    • indexName

      @NonNull String indexName
      A reference to a named index.
      the index name
    • keyFields

      @NonNull KeyField[] keyFields
      A list of one or more keys to use in looking up an entry in a given index.
      one or more keys
    • id

      @NonNull String id
      An optional identifier for the constraint, which must be unique to only this constraint.
      the identifier if provided or an empty string otherwise
    • formalName

      @NonNull String formalName
      An optional formal name for the constraint.
      the formal name if provided or an empty string otherwise
    • description

      An optional description of the constraint.
      the description if provided or an empty string otherwise
    • level

      The significance of a violation of this constraint.
      the level
    • target

      @NonNull String target
      An optional metapath that points to the target flag or field value that the constraint applies to. If omitted the target will be ".", which means the target is the value of the BoundFlag, BoundField or BoundFieldValue annotation the constraint appears on. In the prior case, this annotation may only appear on a BoundField if the field has no flags, which results in a BoundField annotation on a field instance with a scalar, data type value.
      the target metapath
    • properties

      An optional set of properties associated with these allowed values.
      the properties or an empty array with no properties
    • message

      @NonNull String message
      The message to emit when the constraint is violated.
      the message or an empty string otherwise
    • remarks

      @NonNull String remarks
      Any remarks about the constraint, encoded as an escaped Markdown string.
      an encoded markdown string or an empty string if no remarks are provided