Interface IBoundModelObject<ITEM>

Type Parameters:
ITEM - the Java type for associated bound objects
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IBoundDefinitionFlag, IBoundDefinitionModel<ITEM>, IBoundDefinitionModelAssembly, IBoundDefinitionModelComplex, IBoundDefinitionModelField<ITEM>, IBoundDefinitionModelFieldComplex, IBoundFieldValue, IBoundInstance<ITEM>, IBoundInstanceFlag, IBoundInstanceModel<ITEM>, IBoundInstanceModelAssembly, IBoundInstanceModelChoiceGroup, IBoundInstanceModelField<ITEM>, IBoundInstanceModelFieldComplex, IBoundInstanceModelFieldScalar, IBoundInstanceModelNamed<ITEM>, IBoundProperty<ITEM>

public interface IBoundModelObject<ITEM> extends IItemValueHandler<ITEM>
Represents a binding of Java data to a Metaschema module construct, i.e. definition, instance, field value.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Determine if the provided XML qualified name is associated with this property.

    Methods inherited from interface

    deepCopyItem, readItem, writeItem
  • Method Details

    • canHandleXmlQName

      boolean canHandleXmlQName(@NonNull QName qname)
      Determine if the provided XML qualified name is associated with this property.
      qname - the XML qualified name of the property being parsed
      true if the instance will handle this name, or false otherwise