Interface IBoundDefinitionModelField<ITEM>

Type Parameters:
ITEM - the Java type for associated bound objects
All Superinterfaces:
IAttributable, IBoundDefinition, IBoundDefinitionModel<ITEM>, IBoundModelElement, IBoundModelObject<ITEM>, IContainer, IDefaultable, IDefinition, IDescribable, IFeatureContainerFlag<IBoundInstanceFlag>, IFeatureValueConstrained, IField, IFieldDefinition, IItemValueHandler<ITEM>, IJsonNamed, IModelDefinition, IModelElement, INamed, INamedModelElement, IValueConstrained, IValuedDefinition
All Known Subinterfaces:
IBoundDefinitionModelFieldComplex, IBoundInstanceModelFieldScalar

Represents a field definition bound to Java data.

Classes and interfaces implementing this interface can be:

  • "scalar", meaning they have only a scalar field value, or
  • "complex", meaning they allow flags and are bound to a Java class.