All Superinterfaces:
IDefaultable, IValued, IValuedMutable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IBoundFieldValue, IBoundInstance<ITEM>, IBoundInstanceFlag, IBoundInstanceModel<ITEM>, IBoundInstanceModelAssembly, IBoundInstanceModelChoiceGroup, IBoundInstanceModelField<ITEM>, IBoundInstanceModelFieldComplex, IBoundInstanceModelFieldScalar, IBoundInstanceModelNamed<ITEM>, IBoundProperty<ITEM>

public interface IFeatureJavaField extends IValuedMutable
  • Method Details

    • getField

      @NonNull Field getField()
      Gets the bound Java field associated with this instance.
      the Java field
    • getType

      @NonNull default Type getType()
      Get the actual Java type of the underlying bound object.

      This may be the same as the what is returned by getItemType(), or may be a Java collection class.

      the raw type of the bound object
    • getItemType

      @NonNull default Class<?> getItemType()
      Get the item type of the bound object. An item type is the primitive or specialized type that represents that data associated with this binding.
      the item type of the bound object
    • getValue

      default Object getValue(@NonNull Object parent)
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface IValued
    • setValue

      default void setValue(@NonNull Object parentObject, Object value)
      Description copied from interface: IValuedMutable
      Set the provided value on the provided object. The provided object must be of the item's type associated with this instance.
      Specified by:
      setValue in interface IValuedMutable
      parentObject - the object
      value - a value, which may be a simple Type or a ParameterizedType for a collection