All Superinterfaces:
IDefaultable, IValued
All Known Subinterfaces:
IBoundFieldValue, IBoundInstance<ITEM>, IBoundInstanceFlag, IBoundInstanceModel<ITEM>, IBoundInstanceModelAssembly, IBoundInstanceModelChoiceGroup, IBoundInstanceModelField<ITEM>, IBoundInstanceModelFieldComplex, IBoundInstanceModelFieldScalar, IBoundInstanceModelNamed<ITEM>, IBoundProperty<ITEM>, IFeatureJavaField, IFeatureScalarItemValueHandler

public interface IValuedMutable extends IValued
  • Method Details

    • setValue

      void setValue(@NonNull Object parentObject, Object value)
      Set the provided value on the provided object. The provided object must be of the item's type associated with this instance.
      parentObject - the object
      value - a value, which may be a simple Type or a ParameterizedType for a collection