All Classes and Interfaces

The base class of all format-specific deserializers.
The base class of all format-specific serializers.
This annotation provides an enumerated value that is used as part of an AllowedValues annotation.
This annotation defines a set of values permitted to be used in the context of the containing annotation.
Provides methods to load a constraint set expressed in XML.
Used to report exceptional conditions related to processing bound objects.
Identifies that the annotation target is a bound property that references a Module assembly.
Identifies that the annotation target is a bound property that references a collection of model instances of varying types.
Identifies that the annotation target is a bound property that references a Module field.
Identifies a field on a class annotated with the MetaschemaField annotation as the Module field's value.
Identifies that the annotation target is a bound property that represents a Module flag.
Identifies that the annotation target is a bound property that references a Module assembly.
Identifies that the annotation target is a bound property that references a Module field.
A variety of utility methods for normalizing Java class related names.
The implementation of a IBindingContext provided by this library.
A default implementation of an IBoundLoader.
Handles problems identified in the parsed XML.
This annotation defines an expected condition to be met in the context of the containing annotation.
Selections of serialization formats.
Provides a means to analyze content to determine what Format the data is represented as.
This annotation defines cardinality condition(s) to be met in the context of the containing annotation.
Provides information supporting a binding between a set of Module models and corresponding Java classes.
Implementations of this interface provide a means by which a bound class can be found that corresponds to an XML element, JSON property, or YAML item name.
Represents a flag definition/instance bound to Java field.
Represents a field or assembly instance bound to Java data.
Represents an assembly definition bound to a Java class.
Represents a field or assembly instance bound to Java class.
Represents a field definition bound to Java data.
Represents a field definition bound to a Java class.
Represents a Metaschema module instance bound to Java data.
Represents a flag instance bound to Java data.
Represents an assembly or field instance bound to Java data.
Represents an assembly instance bound to Java field.
Represents a choice group instance bound to Java field.
Represents an assembly model instance that is a member of a choice group instance.
Represents a field model instance that is a member of a choice group instance.
Represents a model instance that is a member of a choice group instance.
A common interface for loading Module based instance resources.
Represents a binding of Java data to a Metaschema module construct, i.e.
Provides methods used during deserialization to perform additional actions before and after data is loaded into a bound object.
Implementations of this interface are able to read structured data into a bound object instance of the parameterized type.
Provides information about a generated Java class that represents a Module module.
Indicates that the property is to be ignored by the Module binding system.
A data object to record the group as selections.
A feature interface for handling read, writing, and copying item objects, which are the data building blocks of a Metaschema module instance.
This annotation defines a unqiue index over the contents of the assembly represented by the containing MetaschemaAssembly annotation.
This annotation defines a rule that requires that the target contents of the assembly, represented by the containing MetaschemaAssembly annotation, reference items in a name index defined by the Index constraint.
Provides information about a generated class, that represents a collection of Module constructs generated from one or more Module modules.
Provides objects used for parsing data associated with a specific format.
Information about Java classes generated for a collection of Module modules.
Implementations of this interface are able to write data in a bound object instance of the parameterized type to a structured data format.
This annotation defines a rule that requires uniqueness among the target contents of the assembly represented by the containing MetaschemaAssembly annotation.
Provides methods for generating Java classes based on a single or a collection of Metaschemas.
Indicates that the target of this annotation is a flag whose value should be the property/item name of the field's value in JSON or YAML.
Indicates that the target of this annotation is a Java property that is to be used as the JSON or YAML property/item name in for a collection of similar objects/items.
Used in JSON (and similar formats) to identify a flag that will be used as the property name in an object hold a collection of sibling objects.
Identifies a Metapath expression referencing a value that is used in generating a key as part of a IsUnique, Index, or IndexHasKey constraint annotation.
This annotation defines a rule that requires matching patterns and/or data types among the target contents of the assembly represented by the containing MetaschemaAssembly annotation.
Assigns a Metapath namespace to a prefix for use in a Metapath expression in a lexical qualified name.
A declaration of the Metaschema module.
In XML, an element with structured element content.
Provides a root name, for when the definition is used as the root of a node hierarchy.
Imports a set of Metaschema modules contained in another resource.
This annotation indicates that the target class represents a Module assembly.
This annotation indicates that the target class represents a Module field.
Defines constraint rules to be applied to an existing set of Metaschema module-based models.
Declares a set of Metaschema constraints from an out-of-line resource to import, supporting composition of constraint sets.
A Metapath expression identifying the model node that the constraints will be applied to.
Defines constraint rules to be applied to an existing set of Metaschema module-based models.
Declares a set of Metaschema constraints from an out-of-line resource to import, supporting composition of constraint sets.
Provides a means to analyze content to determine what type of bound data it contains.
This class provides methods to generate and dynamically compile Java code based on a Module.
Used to mark a Java type that has no configured adapter.
Any explanatory or helpful information to be provided about the remarks parent.
Allows the name of the definition to be overridden.
Used to identify the XML namespace to use for a set of annotated Java classes.
This annotation provides package-level Module information.